Summer | Engineering 140B

E140B – Leadership of Technology Ventures

Key Course Information

Course Objectives

To learn leadership and management skills for the successful growth of young technology companies by creating a fast-paced and effective learning environment. To complete the second phase of the nine-month Mayfield Fellows program, including the summer work assignment.


All students requesting admission to E140B must be previously selected to the Mayfield Fellows Program (MFP). Please see the MFP website for more information. Sorry, no auditors can be accommodated in E140B.



1 or 2 units (No Summer registration is required. Students will register for a lab course in the Autumn.)

Course Description

Leadership of Technology Ventures is a three-quarter sequence of courses. It is focused on developing an understanding of the issues and techniques for seizing high potential opportunities in early stage technology companies. The sequence takes participants through a range of issues faced by management in building a new enterprise. These include product and market strategy, venture financing and cash flow management, culture, team building and leadership strategies, innovation and creativity, ethical decision making, and the overall challenge of managing growth and handling adversity.

The primary teaching method for E140B (the second of three courses in MFP’s E140 series) is interaction between the students regarding their current job experiences. The students are all working at a start-up company, and they share in their experiences through written journal assignments and by hosting an in-person or virtual site visit at their company.

Site Visits

Each student will host an in-person or virtual site visit at their company at some point during their summer internship. The purpose of this session is to provide each student the opportunity to introduce the rest of the class and teaching team to the company, its people, and the summer internship. View more details here.

Summer Journaling Assignments

There will be nine journal assignments/discussion threads during the summer, as indicated on the course calendar. Journal assignments should be posted to the MFP Forum under the appropriate assignment topic. We expect that you will not only submit journal assignments, but that you will also read and comment on your classmates’ submissions. The summer journal allows students the opportunity to share and reflect on their summer experiences:

  • Explore non-strategic or financial aspects of entrepreneurship.
  • Compare summer experiences.
  • Build a database of information useful for autumn presentations in E140C.
  • Help connect the theory from E140A with the realities of startups.
  • Stimulate interesting group discussions.
The journal topics and discussion threads focus on organizational and people aspects of the company that you can observe around you, such as:
  • Business Model
  • Origins of the Technology
  • Culture and Values
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Leadership and Ethical Decision Making
  • Case Study Topics