Engineering 140

FAQ for Guest Speakers


Thank you in advance for coming to class. Your participation always makes an incredible impression on the students. If you have any questions or we can help you in any way, don’t hesitate to ask Tom, Tina, or Laine.

Information about the Session

The instructors will send you the assigned readings, agenda, study questions and other information that the students will use to prep on the course calendar under the date on which you are visiting.

Information about the Students

We have some amazing students. Feel free to review their names and resumes on the Mayfield Fellows Page.

Class Time and Location

Class is held in Thornton, Room 210, from 1:30pm -3:20pm, Mondays and Thursdays. On the day you visit, we will try to end class a little early so students have a chance to ask you questions afterward.

Parking at Stanford

Your closest option to park in Parking Structure 2, on the corner of Santa Teresa St. and Via Ortega. At different times of year, parking can be a challenge due to large numbers of visitors so please plan a little extra time. There is additional parking nearby at Tresidder Union. For a Stanford parking map, click here. We would be happy to mail you a parking pass in advance which will significantly increase your parking options. For a parking pass, please contact Nikkie Salgado two weeks in advance:

Nikkie Salgado
Office: Huang Engineering Center, Stanford Technology Ventures Program, Suite 003
Phone: 650-723-2164