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e140 – Stanford University : E140 Home

Engineering 140

Leadership of Technology Ventures

Mayfield Fellows Program at Stanford University

As a three-quarter sequence of courses designed exclusively for the Mayfield Fellows, “E140 — Leadership of Technology Ventures” is focused on developing an understanding of the issues and techniques for growing emerging technology companies. This distinguishes it from those which focus on business plan writing to enable the actual formation of a venture. For courses open to all students, visit the Stanford Technology Ventures Program (STVP) courses page.

The course sequence guides participants through a range of issues faced by management in building and leading a new enterprise. These include product and market strategy development, venture financing and cash flow management, culture and team building, innovation and creativity, ethical decision making and leadership, and the overall challenges of managing growth and handling adversity.

The E140 sequence is a required part of the Mayfield Fellows Program. MFP is a work/study program that allows outstanding Stanford undergraduate and co-term students, a diverse set of backgrounds and from any major, to engage in both the theory and practice of entrepreneurship. Admission to the Mayfield Fellows Program is selective and requires an application submitted in February. E140 is part of STVP, the entrepreneurship center in Stanford’s School of Engineering.

Taught in the spring, E140A seeks to expose students to the “theory” of entrepreneurship including its essential tools, frameworks, and models. E140B augments the summer work experience at a start-up through “practice.” Credit for E140B is awarded in the autumn quarter. During the third and final quarter, E140C provides a chance to reflect on the key lessons learned throughout the year.